El Dr. Harald S. Harung tiene más de 30 años de experiencia como investigador y consultor en el campo del desarrollo y rendimiento humano. Es profesor asociado en la universidad Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences.
Ha formulado una Teoría Unificada del Rendimiento (Unified Theory of Performance), según la cual un mayor desarrollo de la mente/cerebro es la base del alto rendimiento en todas las profesiones, vocaciones y organizaciones.
Excellence through Mind-Brain Development
«Excellence through Mind-Brain Development: The Secrets of World-Class Performers» (Excelencia a través del Desarrollo Mente-Cerebro: los Secretos de las Personas con Mayor Rendimiento) escrito por Harald Harung y Frederick Travis.
Invincible Leadership
«Invincible Leadership: Building Peak Performance Organizations by Harnessing the Unlimited Power of Consciousness» (Liderazgo Invencible: Construyendo Organizaciones de Máximo Rendimiento a través del Poder Ilimitado de la Consciencia) escrito por Harald Harung con la colaboración de Charles N. Alexander, Warren Blank y Dennis Heaton.
- Harung, Harald S.;Travis, Fred (2015). Excellence through Mind-brain Development. The Secrets of World-Class Performers. ISBN: 978-1-4724-6201-5. 208 s. Routledge.
Boes, Ragnhild;Harung, Harald S.;Travis, Fred;Pensgaard, Anne Marte (2014). Mental and physical attributes defining world-class Norwegian athletes: Content analysis of interviews. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. Vol. 24. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2012.01498.x
- Harung, Harald S.;Travis, Fred (2012). Higher mind-brain development in successful leaders: testing a unified theory of performance. Cognitive Processing. Vol. 13. doi: 10.1007/s10339-011-0432-x
- Harung, Harald S. (2012). Illustrations of Peak Experiences during Optimal Performance in World-class Performers: Integrating Eastern and Western Insights. Journal of Human Values. Vol. 18. doi: 10.1177/097168581101800104
- Harung, Harald;Travis, Fred;Pensgaard, Anne Marte;Boes, Ragnhild;Cook-Greuter, Susanne;Daley, Ken (2011). Higher psycho-physiological refinement in world-class Norwegian athletes: brain measures of performance capacity. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. Vol. 21. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01007.x
- Travis, Fred;Harung, Harald S.;Lagrosen, Yvonne (2011). Moral Development, Executive Functioning, Peak Experiences and Brain Patterns in Professional and Amateur Classical Musicians: Interpreted in Light of a Unified Theory of Performance. Consciousness and Cognition. Vol. 20. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2011.03.020
- Harung, Harald (2010). Stimulating Perspective and Reflection in a Course on Value-based Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach Bridging East and West. Journal of Human Values. Vol. 16.
- Harung, Harald;Travis, Fred;Blank, Warren;Heaton, Dennis (2009). Higher development, brain integration, and excellence in leadership. Management Decision. Vol. 47. doi: 10.1108/00251740910966631
- Harung, Harald (2004). Course on value-based management: Learning to create high-performing organizations by putting man before money. Emerald Management Xtra (EMX), Emerald Journals Online Portfolio, Bradford, England (www.emeraldinsight.com. doi: www.emeraldinsight.com
- Harung, Harald S. (2003). Perspektiv-givende utdanning (An education providing perspective). Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. Vol. 87.
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